The One of Us ♫
illustration by La Voliera
— (person one)
First time, I
Saw you, Fell
For you, just
Me, or you
Too of-ten
I wait for
One more
I I-
ma-gine, a twinkle in your
Eye, once I
Build, the courage to say
Hi, but for
Now, another wave good-
Bye, and a
Pro-mise, that one…
Day I’ll cast that
Fear aside, get
Over it, rip the
Bandage off, find
Nothing there to
Show for it, take the
Hand of
Some-one, that I
Hope is
The one, but I’m
Get-ting a
Feel-ing, that
Some-one is
— (person two)
First time, I
Saw you, you
Saw me, I
Want-ed you
To come on
Ov-er and
Stay a
I I-
ma-gine, a twinkle in your
Eye, once you
Build, some courage to come
By, but for
Now, another wink for
You, and a
Pro-mise, that you’re…
Never gonna
Know unless you
Do it, if you
Only ever
Stop, you won’t get
Ve-ry far, take my
Hand, I’ll
Show you, just how
One might
Do it, but I’m
Get-ting a
Feel-ing, you
Might be that
— (both together)
You’re the
One of us, that
Makes two com-
plete, where the
Sum of us, is
Greater than,
Either one could
Be, take my
Hand, I’ll
Show you,
Just how
We might
Do it,
— (person one) You’re the one, (person two) that makes
Two of us, (continue together) I want
Part of
– (person one)
I have fallen, (two) that makes
Two of us,
– (person one)
For the one, (person two) you’re the one
You’re the one, you’re the one
You’re the one for