Tired of Waiting

Featured Artist Group Show, “Before This All Fades Away”, at Sally Centigrade Gallery in Denver, CO (July 2016)

@shannonbonatakis, Instagram, April 29, 2019:

While I’m in a little lull on the new art creation front, I thought I’d revisit some oldies that haven’t gotten highlighted all too much on social media in the past. This little piece, “Tired of Waiting”, was made 3 years ago at a time when I felt stuck in almost every aspect of my life. It’s a piece about that weird in-between place where you know that you need change and you feel completely ready for a metamorphosis, but you aren’t quite sure how to utilize your new parts in order to take flight and reach new heights. Still, you know that one day you’re going to have to just spread those wings and fly.