
From @nomkinnearking on Instagram:

March 2, 2024
Evening all it’s Hygelmaize tonight so looking forward to some fun shenanigans Here’s ‘Aftersong’ one of my paintings from ‘First Night’ a collection for @archenemyarts thank you to all who could attend the opening last night x Hope you had a enjoyable evening x if you would like to enquire about available pieces you can message Lawren at [email protected] or visit
Ps Hygelmaize is a woodland animal masked party we invented to celebrate winter have your own #hygelmaize #trombonepainting #archenemyarts

“Part of the rug was in the barn we lived in when we had just become artists full time in 2009. Lots of memories.” — Nom

February 10, 2024
Evening. Had a magical evening last night at Swan Lake, after getting shown around backstage in rehearsals for painting inspiration so amazing , I’ll share all that in the morning for this eve a work.